To find out which area you are in, log into your account at Here you can view your dashboard and see your progress!
Petoskey Phase 1
For everyone who HAS returned their paperwork
- Installations continue for overhead and applicable ground lay installations (determined by our drop technicians) are ongoing as new folks register and return their paperwork.
- As site conditions allow, limited underground installations are ongoing in all areas.
- Once frost laws are lifted, our priority will be to complete the underground installations that are delayed due to weather.
For everyone who HAS NOT returned their paperwork or registered their interest
It’s not too late, but construction and installation to your home may be delayed. Visit to register your interest, or email [email protected] if you need your paperwork emailed again!
Petoskey Phase 2
Ongoing Progress
- Harbor Springs 1
- Your paperwork will be emailed in March and due in May so be on the lookout! It will come from SignNow on behalf of Truestream.
- Installations will begin in the summer and continue into the fall.
- Harbor Springs 2
- Your paperwork was email in December.
- Necessary underground mainline construction is on hold until spring.
- Installations will begin in the late spring.
- Pellston
- Paperwork is due March 16! If you haven’t returned it yet, we’re making it easy for you! Keep an eye on your mail – we’ve sent a paper copy with a return envelope.
- Return it ASAP so the construction and installation to your home won’t be delayed.
- Oden and Cross Village
- Paperwork is due April 1!
For everyone who HAS returned their paperwork
- West Traverse and Harbor Springs 3
- Overhead and ground lay installations continue.
- Limited underground installations are ongoing in all areas, where site conditions allow.
- Underground installations will begin in the spring when frost laws are lifted.
- Pellston, Oden and Cross Village
- Our drop designers are busy at work, planning the route the fiber line will take from the mainline to your home!
- Installations will begin in the spring (for Pellston) and continue through summer and into the late fall (Oden, then Cross Village).
For everyone who HAS NOT returned their paperwork or registered their interest:
It’s not too late, but construction and installation to your home may be delayed. Visit to register your interest, or email [email protected] if you need your paperwork emailed again!
Boyne Phase 1
Boyne Phase 1 is all about the construction and paperwork right now! Returning the paperwork as soon as you receive it helps prevent a delay in construction to your home when we’re ready for that step in the process.
- Boyne City 1, Boyne City 2 and Boyne City 3
- Mainline construction has begun!
- Paperwork will be emailed in March and due in May so be on the lookout for those documents! It will come from SignNow on behalf of Truestream.
- Installations will likely begin in the fall and continue into winter.
- Advance and Deer Lake
- Mainline construction will begin in the spring.
- Paperwork will be emailed in April and due in June so be on the lookout! It will come from SignNow on behalf of Truestream.
- Installations will begin in the late fall and continue through the winter (as possible) and into spring 2021.
Boyne Phase 2
- Mainline construction will begin in the fall.
Boyne Phase 3
- Fielding is ongoing. This planning/engineering step is the first phase to help determine the materials needed to build our fiber network!
- The board of directors has approved preliminary fieldwork in two new locations.
- We are still carefully evaluating our service area to determine where we will go next.
- Several factors go into this decision, including demand, funding availability, and constructability.