Construction Plans for 2024 Take Shape.
Truestream construction plans for 2024 include 14 areas in the Waters and Kalkaska service districts. Registration will open in phases.
To view our dynamic map and determine your Truestream area, please enter your service address on the map found on the Availability & Status Map page.

Waters Phase 1 Build Sequence:
- Johannesburg 1
- Johannesburg 4
- Johannesburg 2
- Johannesburg 3
- Gaylord 4
- Gaylord 6
- Gaylord 1
Mainline construction is estimated to be completed in the spring of 2024, while construction to the home and in-home installations are anticipated to begin in the summer and continue for several months.
Registration is open.
Register by Jan. 5 and return the paperwork by Jan. 19 to qualify for free in-home installation and to get on the construction list.
Waters Phase 2 Build Sequence:
- Gaylord 2
- Gaylord 8
- Bagley 3
Mainline construction is estimated to be completed in the late summer of 2024, while construction to the home and in-home installations are anticipated to begin in the late fall and continue for several months.
Registration is open.
Register by March 8 and return the paperwork by March 22 to qualify for free in-home installation and to get on the construction list.

Waters and Kalkaska Phase 3 Build Sequence:
- Lovells 1
- Alpine 3
- Manistee River 1
- Manistee River 2
Registration will open in July, with more details to follow in our monthly construction updates.
2025 and 2026 Plans
The grants impact fiber construction within three of our service districts, spanning parts of 11 counties.
Construction in the districts will take up to three years to complete.
Please note: ROBIN grant funding does not cover the entire service district. As construction progresses, updates on which areas will have construction within each district will be announced.